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God who Speaks -
Activating a Digital Strategy


"Expanding the Reach of 'God Who Speaks': A Digital Strategy Case Study" 

Key takeaways


1. Significant Growth in Digital Engagement: Over 3,000 combined followers across Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok with millions of impressions. 

2. Revolutionised Web Traffic and SEO: A threefold increase in organic web traffic and a dynamic, ongoing SEO strategy. 

3. Robust Email Marketing Campaign: Doubling of the email list size, with highly engaging automated email journeys. 


'God who Speaks' initiated a transformative campaign to deepen the connection between Catholics and the Bible, addressing the challenge of engaging beyond traditional church groups. 


The primary challenge was to extend their reach to a broader audience through digital channels, moving beyond conventional methods of engagement. 


To revolutionise engagement with the initiative's website and resources, focusing not just on increasing traffic but ensuring meaningful interactions. 


 Building a robust online presence, enhancing resource downloads and fostering a vibrant community of followers. 


 Strategic Approach: 

1. Social media growth and paid advertising: We created new social media profiles on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Strategic paid advertising campaigns were run through Meta platforms to support organic growth

2.SEO optimisation: Integrating SEO from the outset ensured ‘God who Speaks’ was not overly reliant on paid methods. This included a monthly optimisation of content and a complete overhaul of page titles and descriptions. The growth in SEO traffic has been a game-changer for the organisation.

3.Content strategy: God who Speaks is a website filled with a huge number of valuable assets. We wanted to consistently share their great content through a daily social media posts complemented by strategic ad campaigns (Meta Ads + Google Ads) and continuous SEO enhancement, including seasonal and thematic content alignment. 

4.Email marketing and lead magnets: Utilising automated email journeys or 'mini-courses' to extend the reach of website content, serving both as educational tools and lead magnets for audience engagement. Using this tactic we’ve successfully grown the email database.


 Implementation and Delivery: 

Content creation: Over the course of 18 months we’ve created 695 pieces of diverse content across various platforms, ensuring constant and consistent online presence. 

Advertising success: Facebook adverts received 64,000 clicks in 18 months, demonstrating their relevance and appeal. A significant increase in web traffic was observed, jumping from 200 to 700 average daily organic clicks. 

SEO Evolution: A dynamic and ongoing approach to SEO through detailed keyword research, aligning the website's language with the audience's search behaviours. 


Results & Impacts

Social Media Triumphs: From zero followers in July 2022 to over 3,000 combined followers across platforms by November 2023. This includes 2,642 Facebook followers, 550 on Instagram, and significant impressions across platforms. 

Engagement Metrics: High interaction rates observed on social media posts, with thousands of interactions indicating successful audience engagement. 

Email Marketing Success: Doubling the size of the email list, with an average of 50 new users joining each month. The newsletter, targeting different audience segments, has maintained an open rate of over 50%. 


Quote from Fleur Dorrell, Catholic Scripture Engagement Manager: 

_"The journey of 'God Who Speaks' in embracing digital strategies has been exciting and remarkable. We've witnessed a transformation in how we engage with our audience, reaching people we never could before. This digital evolution has not just expanded our reach, but deepened the connection with our community and helped us share our mission.” 


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